
Events List


What am I doing now? Thanks to Derek Sivers,, I’ve decided to add this page to my website. I will just add new entries as the time is right so that you can see the progress that I’ve been making.

It's May 2021. I'm making much more progress and expressing my ideas more in public. I realize that co-creation and facilitation are the strengths I want to concentrating on more and more, and would love to include you in my new plans. Please contact me if there's anything I can do to support you. 

It's March 2021. We've spent more than one year in circumstances that we probably could never have imagined. Things are progressing, both in our attempts to overcome the challenges of the pandemic, and in my own life and pursuits. I've learned so much, but I'm certainly not "there" yet. The one aspect of my life that has changed the most is my focus on people, interactions and relationships. I'm working on being more intentional with the time I spend with others, and being of service to those who trust in me to accompany them on their journey. Please reach out and contact me if there's anything I can do to support you now or in the future.

It's October 2020. These days I'm looking back and looking forward. In October 1988 I started my own business here in Germany. In the early days it was mostly teaching English to German businesspeople. And now, so many years later, I've moved into working internationally, online, and with so many new people, from more than 70 countries. I'm looking forward to new opportunities, working with my team, which now consists of Mark and Ryan, and introducing a new collaboration program for my peers in November. Although many think that our times are so challenging, I realize that my optimism and my willingness to continue to learn, both on my own and with other professionals, is what is making this time so fascinating for me. Please reach out if there is any way I can support you at this time. 

It's July 2020. After thinking that I'd be up and running in a short span of time, life changed in March and put me, as well as millions of others, into a new world with new challenges and adjustments to make. Thanks to the wonderful support of my team, Jing and Ryan, and great cooperation with Andrew, who is still helping me sort out all the pieces for this website, and others, I'm now making progress again and can't wait to see where all of this takes us. Leave your name and email address if you'd like to get regular updates on what we're doing delivered directly to you inbox. 

It's January 2020. I'm getting a good start into the new year and decade. i've updated some of my systems and have been able to have everyone be able to find me and schedule an appointment with my scheduling tool in Dubsado. If you're interested in a 30-minute appointment, just follow this link to find a time that suits both of us: 
It's October 2019. If you think you're making progress, just wait until something happens to your website and email access, then you know what it means to be lost in space. This was my experience at the end of September. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I am making progress with my technology challenges and I appreciate all the help I'm getting from my accountability buddy, my coach and my VA. Tomorrow I'm on my way to Vienna to catch up with old classmates I haven't seen in 40 years, meet clients, attend a conference and take in all the sensory pleasures that my favorite city has to offer. It's going to be a wonderful experience and i look forward to all I'll be taking in. I hope you all have something to look forward to and then enjoy it to the fullest.
It's August 2019. So much for monthly updates, but I only want to include information here that is worth sharing with you. I'm in a "learn the technology" mode at the moment with a new mobile phone (Android) which was a challenge at first, but now I'm getting used to it. I've also made progress using my new CRM / business management solution Dubsado, which sometimes gets me very far outside my comfort zone, but the more I work with it, the more I understand. Keep your fingers crossed so I can make better progress to be able to provide you with better service. 

It's May 2019.  Today I decided to update this page after missing April. Nobody's perfect, including me. I gave a talk online to a Soroptimist Club anniversary in Ankara, Turkey in April. It was my first live and recorded online presentation, and I could handle all the technology, so I've decided to not only pat myself on the back, but look for more opportunities to develop these skills. I've also started working individually with an online marketing coach after participating in great programs, but realizing that I won't get unstuck and be accountable until I make this important commitment. Look out for more progress and news as my process with him continues. 
It's March 2019. Maybe I should change my timing to once every two months. But I've had some wonderful experiences and made lots of progress. I took some time off and went to Mohacs, Hungary for a great traditional festival at the beginning of March. I'm working hard on getting new aspects of my online business in line and have met some fascinating people at regional events. Spring is coming and life is treating me well. 

It's January 2019. Sorry, I missed a month. End of year activities often make it difficult to keep up with the things we'd really like to do, so I'm trying my best to get on track. I'm working very hard on getting myself better organized for this year. I'm hosting a new workshop on communication for IT Support Professionals tomorrow, which may be a stepping stone into bigger and better things. Let me know if you're interested. I've updated my Where to Meet Rhonda box below. Maybe we'll see each other in person soon. 

It's November 2018. I've been busy with activities to expand my reach and meeting many exciting new people. I was in Zurich and Ulm and could exchange ideas with people who see the world differently from me. This is always an opportunity to grow. Derek Sievers has included this page on the nownownow site mentioned above. Click the link above to see the pages of some fantastic people. 

This is October 2018. Today I am writing my first now page for my new website At this time in my life there are many new things going on. This website is one of them. Another new website is on its way. As soon as I can tell you more about it, I’ll let you know.

As a woman born in 1959, I didn’t grow up with internet technology, I’m facing challenges with re-learning to do my business in a new way. My message to everyone who thinks they can’t start something new: forget what everyone says, get out there, try it and see how far you get. I think you’ll be surprised.

To make sure that people can see where I’ll be in the next few weeks or months, please refer to the calendar entry on this page. If you are also going to be in the same location as I am, we could meet in person and have a great discussion. If not, you’ll just have to send me an email  and we’ll get together online.

I look forward to many more entries on this page and to hearing from you, if there’s anything else you’d like to know about. Thanks and hope to meet you soon.


Hello Rhonda, Lovely to speak to you yesterday. I love how you bring a unique way of thinking and being to the world and how you create collectively accountable community. Once again, thank you for being you and bringing your generous nature to the world.


Food for Thought